
Nix-enabled environment for your Android device.


MIT License

Nix-on-Droid brings Nix package manager of NixOS fame

to your mobile device.

If you're not after its advanced features,

you might still be interested in tapping into nixpkgs,

a vast collection of precompiled software.

At first start the app will download Nix repackaged for Android,

leaving you with a barebones system afterwards.

If you are an experienced Nix user, you know what to do next.

If you are in doubt, follow the on-screen instructions,

to install more of the familiar Linux software

and declaratively manage your environment.

NOTE: this software is alpha-quality.

Users that value

stability and Android integration over

features and package selection

might better be served with Termux as of now.

Nix-on-Droid uses a fork of Termux application as a terminal emulator.



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