
Allows to connect from Android to a painlessMesh network ( This small app for Android can connect to a painlessMesh network and act like a node. The app can connect, request routing info (NODE_SYNC_REQUEST) and send single (SINGLE) and broadcast (BROADCAST) messages. Restrictions: - No support for (TIME_DELAY), (TIME_SYNC) and (NODE_SYNC_REPLY). - The app is connecting to the closest painlessMesh AP. Due to restrictions of Android it can not have AP and STA mode running in parallel. - The app is 100% open source and has no ads. Since Android 6 it requires the location service permission from the user to be able to scan for WiFi networks. Makes no sense, but that's how it is :-(

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    MIT License

    Allows to connect from Android to a

    <a href="">painlessMesh network</a> and act

    like a node. The app can connect, request routing info (NODE_SYNC_REQUEST)

    and send single (SINGLE) and broadcast (BROADCAST) messages. There is no

    support for (TIME_DELAY), (TIME_SYNC) and (NODE_SYNC_REPLY). The app is

    connecting to the closest painlessMesh AP.

    Due to restrictions of Android, painlessMesh can not have AP and STA mode

    running in parallel. Since Android 6 it requires the location service

    permission from the user to be able to scan for Wi-Fi networks.


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